It's been a while since an update and unfortunately it'll be much longer until another update. I've have an old but reccurring lower back issue that has come back to bite me with a severe relapse, and has not allowed me to work on the Mini in almost 6 months so far thanks to very limited mobility. I have degeneration of two lumbar discs which now requires surgery to hopefully resolve my long standing issue however this will not occur for another 4-5 months, plus rehab afterward. The Mini has been stored under a few old bed sheets so I don't have to look at it every time I walk into the workshop

but it's not going anywhere. I've been at it for long enough now that I'm not giving up on it.
I blame my dad for my love of minis. I think I was conceived in the back seat of one
I also blame my Dad for me being 6' 1" - not really the optimum height for driving a Mini.