
71 Mini K Engine swap to Kawasaki ZX-12R
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Author:  Bonusoz [ Sat Aug 31, 2024 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  71 Mini K Engine swap to Kawasaki ZX-12R

Hi Guys ,
Im a new member to this forum and finding it really helpful .
I usually rebuild mk1 and mk2 Escorts for the last 30 years but of late my attention has been turned to converting a mini to a bike engine.
So far I'm loving working on the mini , everything is so easy to get to and luckily the shell i have doesn't really require any welding unlike most of the escorts that need floors ,sills and multiple other panels.
So plan for this one is to use the original subframe and mount the motor from a Kawasaki ZX-12R into it running a quaife lsd onto the original driveshafts.
I will upgrade the brakes all round and try to keep the body stock on 13 inch rims.
Then plan to paint it Kawasaki Green with a black roof .
I still have lots of unanswered questions as I do all the work on my cars myself and this is the first Mini ever so we will see how it goes.
Couple of pics of the offending articles .


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